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take action in pursuit(take action)|每日时讯


1、take action[英][teik ˈækʃən][美][tek ˈækʃən]采取行动,行动起来; 采取行动; 采取措施; 提出诉讼; If so what is the main thrust? Perhaps your goal is to inspire your audience to take action.或许你的演讲目的是呼吁听众行动起来,那么你希望他们要采取什么行动呢?The mess that boutaris is tackling and the overwhelming need to take action now epitomizes the problems facing Europe.布塔利斯眼前的这团乱麻以及必须立即采取行动的紧迫性正是整个欧洲面临的问题的缩影。

2、When you take action, choices, that once look cloudy, can become clearer in what is involved!当你采取行动时你会发现曾经模糊不清的选择一下变得清晰起来。

3、If you can change something, then take action!如果你能改变,那么行动起来!。


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